New Release
Jesus came to earth to do for us what we could not do for ourselves. He kept the law we could not keep. He paid a price that we could not pay. He rose again to empower us to explore a destiny that we could not imagine and live an eternity of joy that we could never have expected without him. He said, “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”. Each of us has an adventure to discover in His new kingdom and that adventure starts now!

A word from Richard
Richard Miller
What people are saying about Richard
Coach, teacher, mentor, dear friend, and my biggest cheerleader. He’s always there. Always placing his students first. Always expecting their very best. Always pointing to Jesus. Wherever Mr. Miller is feels like home. Mr. Miller is concerned with the Big Picture; preparing hearts and minds for an A+ life. Constructing scenario-based class projects, connecting popular lyrics to historic events…Mr. Miller stops at nothing to make learning a relevant, life-long pursuit. He is a picture of God’s care, pursuit and provision for His children and I am forever thankful.
Christina M.
Class of 2000
… all the time reminding us of how much God loves us and that God’s grace is sufficient. He helped me dream, reflect, and to encourage others.
Kat W.
Class of 1999